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Barnaby's Shorts (Volume One) Page 9


  Report from Health and Safety Group

  (Mar 18th)

  Copies to all dept heads.

  Ref. ‘Swayer’

  Preliminary report and recommendations based on inspection of ‘Swayer’ prototype on March 24th.

  The following observations and recommendations are made on the basis of an inspection of a pre production prototype, and a further inspection will be required on the final production design before a ‘certificate of worthiness’ can be issued. The following issues require action:-

  1 Possible finger trap on the top hinge requires additional guarding.

  2 Two supporting rods provide insufficient structural integrity in the event of failure of one or more components and a third supporting rod is required intermediate between the first two.

  3. Restraints to be provided to prevent the user standing on or leaving the platform whilst the ‘Swayer’ is in motion. Suggested solution is a cage or ‘cab’ in which the user is fastened before the ‘Swayer’ is put into motion. (Ideally this should be interlocked to the hinge mechanism to prevent motion if the restraint is not fastened securely).

  4. Platform height above the ground to be limited at either end of the range to no more than 1 metre. This can most easily be achieved by fitting a limiter to the hinge mechanism to restrict the angle of rotation of the hinge.

  5. Platform should be made of a lightweight, non toxic, non combustible material and padding should be provided on all edges to minimise accidental impact damage. All corners should be rounded.

  6 Hand holds of minimum diameter 5cm and length 15cm to be provided on the vertical supporting rods.

  7. Sprung push bar to be installed at the rear of the ‘Swayer’ to provide a suitable area for the power application by the person (adult) providing the motive power and to avoid impact damage to hands and wrists..

  8 Safety mats and helmets to be included with every ‘Swayer’ sold

  9. Safety warning leaflet and labels to be included in the retail kit, and multilingual warning labels on all component parts.

  10. Consideration should be given to establishing an annual inspection and recertification scheme. (Maybe a nominal charge would be appropriate).

  11. Gloves and safety spectacles are also recommended for all users.

  12. Consideration should also be given to providing a lightweight barrier to keep spectators to a minimum distance of 2 metres.

  William Carpenter, Health and Safety Advisor, Playbox Inc